Culture is the social expression of our human relationships and interactions. According to Ken Wilber, the world’s leading Integral Theory philosopher, culture is a result of the evolution of humans over thousands of years and its purpose is to convey meaning.

Who you are and what you stand for is just as important as the products and services you create and sell. Actually, it’s far more important.


Elements of Culture

The elements of culture are artifacts, values, and unconscious assumptions about how the world works, our worldview, according to Ed Schein, former professor at MIT Sloan School of Management.

Understanding your culture

Understanding your cultural context allows you to understand yourself, the origins of your beliefs and values, and why and how you see others the way you do.

“Understand why and how you see others the way you do.”

We begin to make conscious and visible what was previously concealed and not known. This awareness allows leaders to empower themselves to shape their culture in ways that are vital.

Leadership and Culture

As a leader, you have an important opportunity to shape the culture of your organisation and connect the personal values of your workforce with your vision. This cultivates superior effort, enlightened engagement and performance excellence in the pursuit of a unique vision.

Creating a better workplace is the essence of leadership. It means knowing what your values are and how these connect to your workforce values. A leader is also able to effectively communicate why the focus of the business matters.

“Know what your values are and how these connect to your business.”

BRAKTEN CONSULTING will help you articulate your values, bring to light your personal narrative for the business, connect to the values of your people, and assist in aligning workplace values with the aspirations of your workforce.